susanlee's Blog

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Blizzard qualifies alive subscribers as the following

At its peak, World of Warcraft Gold had a whopping 12 actor subscribers, authoritative it the a lot of accepted MMORPG in history. While Blizzard has still enjoyed abundant success with the game, its subscriber abject has unsurprisingly beneath over the years, bottomward to a still respectable, almost 7.5 actor endure year. But with the absolution of the Warlords of Draenor expansion, World of Warcraft has already afresh surpassed the 10-million mark as of November 13, the date of the launch. More than 3.3 actor copies of the amplification were awash aural the aboriginal 24 hours.

Blizzard qualifies alive subscribers as the following:

World of Warcraft subscribers cover individuals who accept paid a cable fee or accept an alive prepaid agenda to play World of Warcraft, as able-bodied as those who accept purchased the bold and are aural their chargeless ages of access. Internet bold allowance players who accept accessed the bold over the endure thirty canicule are aswell counted as subscribers. The aloft analogue excludes all players beneath chargeless promotional subscriptions, asleep or annulled subscriptions, and asleep prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees' territories are authentic forth the aforementioned rules.see more at:

The pre patch (6.0.2) will free up all the names that have not been used

World of Warcraft Gold expansion Warlords of Draenor will be available to the players this November and before it comes out, Blizzard has decided to free up some of the unused names. The pre patch (6.0.2) will free up all the names that have not been used since November 13, 2008.

According to FIFA 15 Coins, all the unused name since that date will be made available to players creating a new account or using the paid Character Name Change service.

“With the Fifa 15 xobx coins Warlords of Draenor pre-patch (6.0.2), we will be releasing sidelined characters’ names back into the wild. Any characters that have not logged into the game since November 13, 2008 will have their names freed up, making them available to anyone creating a new character or using the paid Character Name Change service.”

If you want to save your name from going to someone else, then, before the pre-patch 6.0.2 goes live, you must log in to the game with every character who’s name you want to keep.

“Our goal with this great name liberation is to make sure new and returning players have a large and varied pool of names available to choose from—so log in now if you wish to preserve your unused characters’ names for your journey intro Draenor.”

World of Warcraft has been losing subscribers over the years and it is only logical to free up character names that haven’t been used for a long time for new subscribers. Warlords of Draenor is set in an alternative universe of Draenor, the original home of the Orcs. The upcoming expansion is the only one to be set before the main timeline.

The wait is almost over as you will be able to get your hands on the expansion on November 13, 2014.