susanlee's Blog

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Garrosh and the Chopper

Did anyone see the Matthew McConaughey Lincoln bartering and not anticipate about WOW Gold's crazy time biking plot? McConaughey's unfocused circuitous could accredit to a lot of things, but any sci-fi fan has to stop and admiration "Wait, are we talking about time travel? Is Matthew McConaughey a time-traveller now?"

You apperceive who abroad is a time traveller? Garrosh Hellscream. And if Ian Beckman combines McConaughey's (slightly altered) address with machinima, it works altogether to acquaint the character's story. And maybe advertise choppers. We're not absolutely abiding how that allotment works.see more at:Buy FIFA 15 Coins Xbox 360

Disabuse For WOW Blood Elves

Everybody welcome to our WOW Gold Blood Elves, Battle pets disabusing. We answer the questions about the World of Warcraft. Any questions are available.

One player asked, “Do you think with the release of whatever patch brings in the Blood Elf Model update we’ll see Blood Elf content? I’m thinking that Blizzard may take advantage and make a Blood Elf or High Elf content patch with dungeons.”

Nope. I think that there’s a change we’ll see some general blood elf stuff eventually, but we’re not going to get a whole rollout of new content just because of the model upgrade. It seems we’re headed towards more conflict with the Burning Legion, so there’s always a chance Blood Elves might show up there.

Julie asked, “I collect vanity/noncombat pets just for the vanity companion aspect, and don’t actually battle with them. My highest pet is level 9. I’d love to have the Menagerie open in my Garrison, so many lovely critters could wander around. Can I party with a friend who does pet battles, bring him to my garrison, and get him to complete the intro quest for me? Also, when it randomly picks 5 pets to have wandering about, do they change on logout/in?”

You’ll need to get a pet up to level 25 and then buy other level 25 battle pets to open the Menagerie by defeating the quest pets. You could also level up the others, but in your case it’s probably be easier to buy. A friend cannot come into your garrison and defeat things for you. May be you can ask a friend to borrow his pets. To do this, you’ll still need a level 25 pet, however.

Please send your questions. We will share anything we know about World of Warcraft. Speak freely here