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Radio Frequency Welding Machine heat sealing

Radio Frequency Welding Machine heat sealing (also known as dielectric sealing) uses 27.12MHz high frequency power to melt polar plastic material between two electrodes (RF Sealing Dies).

In the simplest terms, RF welding is like an oven that cooks plastic using high frequency energy (at home we use Microwave Oven to heat food). RF sealers use a air cylinder activated press to compress the plastic materials while applying Radio Frequency energy. As the plastic materials heat up under the RF energy they melt and form homogeneous bond, taking the shape of the sealing dies (electrodes).

The RF sealing dies are manufactured using brass or aluminum materials. Due to several factors aluminum dies may consume more energy than brass dies.

The sealing process may consist of one or two cycles:

    Single Cycle - Products that require only perimeter seal can be sealed by a single cycle RF welder.
    Dual Cycle - Most medical bags have tubing between the film layers. To RF seal a blood, urine or enteral feeding bag the process requires dual cycle RF sealer. In the first RF seal cycle the tubing is sealed to the top and bottom film layers and in the second seal cycle the RF power is switched to RF heat seal the bag perimeter.

When High Frequency energy is applied to the electrodes the material polar molecules get excited and start melting the material, Cardboard Packaging Machine which is compressed between the RF sealing dies. Once melted, the RF energy is turned off and by going through a cooling cycle the materials fuse to each other.