susanlee's Blog

Happy coding

This would ensure that all clue scrolls accept the actual bulk of steps

Apple switcher

An in-game apple switcher that allows you to bound jump from one apple to addition afterwards accepting to re-enter your login advice is an amend that is generally requested. As such, we would like to action it on agreeable poll #33.

If it were to pass, 4rsgold, the apple switcher would be placed in the log out tab. This would leave it simple to admission afterwards any changes accepting fabricated to the gameframe.

Using this to hop worlds would, of course, accept the aforementioned restrictions as logging out usually does. It would not be accessible to log out in action or any added affairs breadth logging out is not usually possible.

Question: Should we add a apple switcher to the log out tab that can be acclimated to bound hop from one apple to addition afterwards accepting to re-enter login information?

Duel Amphitheatre Changes

We afresh adopted Mod Maz, a RuneScape 3 developer who has been developing agreeable back 2005, to briefly appear over to the Old School aggregation to advice out with a few projects while we attending for a new, abiding agreeable developer. She has been alive on bringing the bound amphitheatre up to acceleration and authoritative it as able-bodied as possible.

As able-bodied as authoritative the bound amphitheatre a added solid section of content, we would like to action a brace of changes and new appearance to accomplish dueling and staking a added affable experience.

Extending the claiming area

The breadth in which you can claiming humans to duels currently starts absolutely far into the breadth of the bound arena. We would like to change this so it is accessible to claiming others to duels anywhere aural the belted bound of the bound arena.

Use antecedent rules & use adored rules

A awful requested affection for the bound amphitheatre is the adeptness to baddest a accurate set of rules in a individual click. Such a affection can calmly advice abate any accident of scams demography abode at the bound amphitheatre as able-bodied as dispatch up the action of accepting into duels in general.

We would like to action the adeptness to both baddest the rules acclimated in the antecedent bound as able-bodied as the adeptness to save a custom set of rules and use these rules in a individual click.

Question: Should we extend the bound of the claiming breadth at the bound amphitheatre to cover the every allotment of the bound amphitheatre grounds?

Question: Should we add an advantage to the bound amphitheatre claiming interface that allows you to baddest the rules acclimated in your antecedent bound in a individual click?

Question: Should we add an advantage to the bound amphitheatre claiming interface that allows you to save the currently called rules and baddest them in a individual bang in approaching duels?

Additional Grand Exchange slots

When creating the Grand Exchange, Mod Ash fabricated abiding to leave allowance for added slots in the future. As a simple superior of activity update, we would like to aggrandize the bulk of Grand Exchange slots from 6 to 8.

This advancement would not appulse free-to-play users who would still alone accept admission to the accepted 2 Grand Exchange slots.

Question: Should we admission the bulk of Grand Exchange slots from 6 to 8? This would not affect free-to-play.

Additional Dagannoth King Features

The Dagannoth Kings are one of the a lot of accepted administration in Old School. Offering both a arduous action and some accomplished rewards, there is a connected breeze of players authoritative their way through the alcove of Waterbirth Island to yield on the beasts.

With how active it can become, we would like to action a brace of small, superior of activity appearance to accomplish activity a little easier if it comes to award an accessible world.

Checking for players

In adjustment to accomplish it a simpler assignment to see if a apple is free, we would like to action an advantage on the ladder that takes you down to the Dagannoth Kings that will let you apperceive how abounding players are currently in the bang-up room. This would accomplish the action of bent about worlds and award an abandoned one both simpler and beneath confusing to the players already killing the bosses.

Additional Dagannoth Kings' lair

We would aswell like to action admission to a added Dagannoth King lair. By paying Askeladden, begin at the top of Waterbirth Island, a one-off fee of 500,000 bill you would alleviate admission to this added burrow permanently. This burrow would not be abstract but would be absolutely abstracted from the absolute set of Dagannoth Kings, finer acceleration the bulk of accessible administration on any world.

Question: Should an advantage be added to the ladder arch into the Dagannoth Kings' burrow that allows you to analysis how abounding players are currently in the bang-up room?

Question: Should we add an added Dagannoth Kings' burrow that can be apart by paying Askeladden, begin on the top of Waterbirth Island, 500,000 coins?

Ring of the Gods (i)

The Ring of the Gods is the signature bead of Vet'ion, one of the wilderness administration appear with the wilderness awakening project. It currently provides stats +1 to all arresting stats and +3 adoration bonuses. While this is advantageous in a few places, the account of the ring is not consistently advised to be adumbrative of how difficult it can be to attain.

We would like to action an bathe to the ring to accomplish it added ambrosial to use. The bathe would accept the afterward furnishings and would crave Nightmare Zone credibility and a angelic bend to unlock:

• The adoration benefit of the ring would be added to +4.

• The absorbed ring provides the aforementioned aftereffect as the angelic wrench, accretion the adoration adequate by adoration potions, cool restore potions and Sanfew serum.

We feel that this bathe aftereffect will add a reasonable bulk of amount to the ring while still befitting it able-bodied balanced. It aswell gives some added amount to the angelic bend which is generally beneath advantageous than artlessly bringing forth an added potion.

Question: Should we acquiesce the ring of the gods to be imbued, giving an added +1 adoration benefit as able-bodied as the acquiescent aftereffect of the angelic wrench? This would be accessible from Nightmare Zone and would crave a angelic bend in your inventory.

Multiple clue annal changes

Recently, we fabricated a change to clue scrolls to anticipate players bottomward lower tiered clue scrolls in adjustment to abate the bulk of accomplish appropriate to complete an aristocratic clue scroll. 4rsgold,While this has formed and this is no best possible, it has aswell had the appulse of sometimes extending the lower tiered clue scrolls to the bulk of accomplish that an aristocratic clue annal ability have.

We would like to get rid of this botheration absolutely by acceptance players to accept one clue annal of anniversary coffer rather than akin them to artlessly one clue scroll.RuneScape gold. This would beggarly that you could accept an easy, medium, harder and aristocratic clue annal at the aforementioned time, but never two of the aforementioned difficulty.

This change would anticipate the altered lengths of clue from interfering with anniversary added while aswell confined as absolutely a nice superior of activity amend for clue scrolls in general.

Question: Should the limitation on how abounding clue scrolls you can own be afflicted from one clue annal to one clue annal of anniversary tier? This would ensure that all clue scrolls accept the actual bulk of steps.

Farming Tweaks

Over the accomplished few months we accept had a fair few superior of activity requests for Farming. We'd like to action a few of these almost baby changes in agreeable poll #33.

Question: Should the advantage on agriculture patches to rake, clear, cure and clip be fabricated the left-click option?

Question: Should the Tool Leprechaun be able to catechumen weeds to coffer notes?

Question: Should the advancing vampire that generally wanders into the Canafis agriculture application be prevented from accomplishing so?

Question: Should the appraise advantage on admixture bins appearance how abounding they are?

Question: Should the Tool Leprechaun begin at the agriculture patches just south of Falador be confused afterpiece to the agriculture patches?

Other questions

Question: Should we abolish the 200 Defence acquaintance accustomed for ascent Kalphite Queen and King Black Dragon active in amateur endemic houses?

Question: Should the teleport to Sherlock, a accolade for commutual the Aristocratic Kandarin accomplishment diary, be accustomed absolute circadian uses?

Question: Should a right-click advantage to accessible the anniversary items interface be added to Diango?

Question: Should a right-click 'Pay' advantage be added to the Blast Furnace Foreman?

Question: Should a right-click 'Repair' advantage be added to Bob in Lumbridge?

Question: Should a coffer drop box be added to the coffer in Nardah?

Question: Should the upgraded Iban agents be called Iban agents (u), rather than Iban staff?

Question: Should the minigame list, begin central the adventure and accomplishment account tab, be ordered alphabetically?

Question: Should we add an advantage to bright your clandestine messages? This would be begin as a right-click advantage breadth you currently toggle your clandestine babble to on, accompany or off.

Question: Should the Karamja gloves 4, accustomed afterwards commutual the Karamja Aristocratic accomplishment diary, be able to teleport you to Duradel?

As consistently we will be demography all of your acknowledgment into application afore agreeable poll #33 goes reside so be abiding to let us apperceive what you think! Whether it is actuality on the forums, through Twitter or anywhere abroad you can get the bulletin to us, Buy RuneScape gold,we wish to apprehend what you accept to say.